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4. Conclusion of John's gospel
(John 20:30-31)
30Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book;31but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.

At the end of this chapter, we reach the final of what John himself actually wrote. The mystical writer and evangelist announced the rising of God’s light in the darkness that did not perceive it. But to all who received him, he gave the right to become God’s children, those who believe in him. The great evangelist drew us to the depths of divine fellowship in the person of Jesus. He depicted for us the death and rising of Christ, so that we may believe in him and see him living with us.
In sum, the apostle lays down four principles, to make clear to us the gist of his gospel and the aim of his writing.
John did not write volumes to cover all the sayings and doings of Jesus. Otherwise, he would have had to pen several tomes. He selected those signs and discourses that would highlight Jesus’ matchless personality. His writing was not at the dictation of the Spirit of God, as if this were an afflatus heard unconsciously. Rather, he was responsible, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to select prominent events, and he lovingly portrays the Lamb of God who bears away the sin of the world, a slain victim.
John wrote this gospel for us to discern that the man Jesus of Nazareth plain and despised is Christ the One promised and God’s Son at the same time. With these two titles, he met the longings of Jews during the Old Testament eras. Thereby, he judged his nation that crucified David’s promised son. The man Jesus confirmed the true Christ as God’s Son. God’s great love and blameless holiness is beyond reproach, or neglect for anyone with goodwill. John glorifies Jesus superbly. His portrait of Jesus for us is incomparable, so that we may realize the love of God’s Son, who became man that we might become the children of God.
John has no wish to create only a creedal acceptance in us, but a bond with God’s Son. As Jesus is Son, God becomes our Father. Since the Lofty One is our Father, he can bring forth many children, filled with his eternal life. The new birth through the blood of Christ and the Spirit in us, that is the goal of John’s gospel. So, are you born spiritually, or are you still dead in sins? Does God’s life dwell in you, or are you devoid of his Holy Spirit?
The second birth is completed by faith in God’s Son. He who trusts in him receives the divine life. We have this life in a permanent relation with him by faith. He who abides in Jesus, will find that Jesus abides in him. Such a believer will grow in Spirit and in truth, and the fruits of divine life will flourish in him. Eternal life is God’s love impelling us to lead many to faith in Jesus, for them to love and abide in him and he in them always.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for the gospel as your evangelist John recorded. By way of this unique book we perceive your majesty and truth. We bow to you joyfully, because you have led us to faith in you, and gave us new birth by grace. Fix us in your fellowship, to love you in keeping your commandments. May we witness publicly to your name, that our friends may trust in you and receive abundant life by faith.
What does John elaborate in the conclusion of his gospel?