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6Jesus said to them, "My time has not yet come, but your time is always here.7The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify of it that its works are evil.8Go to the feast yourselves; I am not going up to this feast, for my time has not yet fully come."9So saying, he remained in Galilee.

Men are proud, because the devil’s spirit has corrupted them. Pride is the symptom of soul sickness and a sign of psychological malady. In truth everyone in contrast to God is small, weak and fated to die. He tries to cover up his weakness by splendid attire. The proud man imagines himself to be a mini-god, who can do anything he likes or do nothing. He plans his days and his ways ignoring God. By nature, he becomes a rebel against the Creator. Man loves himself, not God; glorifies his name, but does not magnify the heavenly Father’s name.
Not only are the thoughts and intents of people wicked, but their deeds as a whole. For whoever lives without his Lord, lives against him. Most inventions and discoveries in science, as well as political principles and philosophical systems relate to the sphere of sin. In them are the seeds of death.
Christ showed that the world hated him. He came not to do what he liked. He is one with the Father and works in fellowship with Him. Even pious folk found him a stumbling block, for the love he commends is not legalistic but divine. They hated him, because his presence abolished the claim to self-righteousness.
Christ’s brothers rejected the Holy Spirit, rather they were filled with a worldly spirit, and so accorded in principle with the Pharisees. Their lack of faith proved that the Spirit of God’s love was not in them; rather they were led by another spirit, one that prides itself and rebels against God. They deceived themselves, believing in the value of their good works.