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28“Therefore let be known to you that the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it!”29And when he had said these words, the Jews departed and had a great dispute among themselves.30Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him,31preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.

Paul’s voice sounded like a trumpet sounding the anthem of our new age upon the heads of the divided Jews. God sends his salvation to the Gentiles. The Jewish people had refused the grace of Christ. From now on, the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of all prepared Gentiles - that they may receive new ears to hear the word of God - that they may receive a new power to keep the commandments - that they do not become servants to the law and to its many judgments. They are the children of God, who Christ purchased with his precious blood from the slave market of sin. He sanctifies them with the glory of the eternal Holy Spirit.
Paul served two whole years in Rome, as a teacher, preacher, prophet, and apostle. He did not have the opportunity to appear at large meetings, or preach in the streets and alleys, for night and day he was chained to a soldier. Nevertheless, he could speak to the individuals who visited him, and testifiy to the power of God. Although he was certain that the Holy One was able to loosen his chains with one word, he, nevertheless, bore the chains without complaining, and saw in them a sign of the generosity of his Father.
Paul stayed more than seven hundred days in Rome, proclaiming to many the riches of the grace of Jesus, who had first appeared to him as a living, glorious Lord on the road to Damascus. The apostle did not seek his own glory, nor did he magnify his personal name, which no longer appears in the last verses of the Acts of the Apostles. The apostle to the gentiles had one aim - to glorify the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Without hesitation and boldly he carried out his ministry and Christ opened a wide door before him. No one could prevent him from carrying the message of Christ’s triumph to all who wanted to hear and believe.
How astonishing! We read nothing about the growth and spread of the church in Rome, nor do we find any mention of Peter or other popes, for that would have been a secondary matter. The only important thing was the call of the Gospel, and the sending and arrival of its message into every country of the world. The message was to spread, even if the apostles should die.
It is probable that Theophilus, the prominent Roman official, knew Paul personally while he was in Rome, and helped him during his trial. Also, he asked Luke to compile the Gospel and the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, so that he might know more exactly the development of Christianity, from its beginning to its spread into the whole world. That is why Luke did not deem it necessary to write anything about the situation of Paul in Rome, for Theophilus knew him personally.
Dear brother, now that we have come to the end of this serial commentary on the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, and have testified before you of the glory of the living Christ and of His plan of salvation, we put the torch of the Gospel into your hand, and say to you: “Continue the history of the Acts of the Apostles, and carry the Gospel of salvation to your surroundings, so that many may be saved. The living Jesus is calling you, and your Lord is prepared to accompany you. What prevents you from setting out? Do you see Christ’s triumphal procession passing in the midst of your nation? Believe, pray, and rejoice, for your living Lord goes before you and waits for you.

O heavenly Father, we worship you and rejoice, for Your Son reconciled us to You, and the Holy Spirit founded a living church among all peoples at all times. We thank You, for You called us, while we were still sinners, to may become a link in the chain of the Acts.of the apostles, in order for Your strength to be magnified in our weakness. We believe that Your kingdom is revealed in our surroundings, and that Your will is done in the midst of the disorder of our world. Save many, urge us into actual service, and keep us from the wicked one. Amen.
Why did Luke not mention anything about the completion of Paul’s trial or of his death in Rome? What is the anthem of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles?