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44And Jesus cried out and said, "He who believes in me, believes not in me but in Him who sent me.45And he who sees me sees Him who sent me."

Jesus called his people to repent, giving the gist of his teachings in a hard saying, while at the same time simplifying it to the spiritual. At first, this seems a contradiction as if he were saying, "He who believes in me, does not believe in me!" Jesus does not bind a person to him alone, but the Son leads all his followers directly to the Father. He empties himself of special rights, nor does he expect men to trust him alone. The Son does not deprive God of men’s faith. He therefore does not take away from God’s majesty. He reveals and glorifies it constantly.
The contrary is also true: No one comes to the Father but by the Son; there is no true faith in God except in the Son. The Father gifted him all believers to be his peculiar people, and adorned him with all divine qualities. So it is that the humble Son can assert without arrogance, "He who sees me has seen Him who sent me." Jesus is the genuine Apostle from God, who bears God’s power and glory to obey absolutely. Jesus represents the essence of divine life, light and splendor. We do not know another God, other than the example that Jesus reflected in life and resurrection. His humility lifted him to the Father’s level. Truly, the One Isaiah saw is Jesus himself, for there is no variance between the Father and the Son.