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7Jesus said, "Let her alone, let her keep it for the day of my burial.8The poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me."

God does not ask us to be extravagant, to pour flasks of perfume on one another’s feet, but simply to open our eyes to the needs of the poor around us. No party, religion or ideology can erase Christ’s words that the poor will always be with us. Our selfishness is gross, our love thin. There cannot be a spiritual socialism on earth; nor will everyone be on a par with all others in gifts and wealth or honor. We shall find the wretched, the rejected and the isolated wherever we go, east or west. In every town or village alike, seek out the poor and in them you will see the face of Jesus.
Jesus knew that men’s hearts were hard as flint and ice-cold. He has come with the warmth of love to die for them. He also knew that the Holy Spirit had led Mary to wipe his feet and anoint him for burial. When divine love enters people, the Holy Spirit will guide to achieve unexpected marvels. Mary purposed to glorify the divine guest, so the Spirit led her to anoint him beforetime. Christ begins reconciliation of this wicked world with the God of goodness and grace.

Lord Jesus, we love you for raising Lazarus. You had no fear of the gloomy grave. Teach us to offer our hearts and possessions to serve you with all that is ours. Free us from meanness, hypocrisy, theft and hatred. Fill us with your love, and lead us to the path of sacrifice with thanksgiving.
Why did Jesus accept Mary’s anointing?