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7"If you had known me, you would have known my Father also; henceforth you know Him and have seen Him."

The children of this world are far from God on account of their sins. Not man can know God of his own accord. No one has seen God, but his only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father. He tells us: If you had known me, you would know the Father too. But they did not know this. Knowledge does not mean understanding and science only, but transformation and renewal. God’s knowledge becomes incarnate in us, manifest in life. Do not be deceived, religious studies do not mean knowing God. What does is to yield to the light that illumines the gospel. You will be changed and become a light.
In the hour of betrayal Jesus surprisingly said to his disciples, "From now on you know me. I am not just the omnipotent conqueror, wise and glorious, but the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world also. In my atoning death God reveals himself as the reconciling Father, for He will not punish your sin in wrath, or destroy, But will punish me, His Son, so that you might be freed and changed to holiness, entering the fellowship as His children."
On the cross, God manifests Himself as Father. The Exalted One is not afar, but is love, mercy and redemption. God is your personal Father. You are the ones who believe in me, and you alone know the truth about God. This knowledge will transform you to become in your practical knowledge admirable in conduct and virtues.