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7"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you."

He who abides in Christ lives with him in a thoughtful relationship. Just as a couple long married know each other’s thoughts and intentions. So also he who loves Christ knows his will and abides in harmony with his Lord. Delving deep into the Bible daily will fill us with all good impulses, so that we desire what he does, because our inner feelings are filled with his words.
Then, we shall not pray according to our selfish wishes, but we listen eagerly to the developments in his Kingdom. We become intercessors dutiful in the spiritual conflict. Then our hearts will be filled with praise and gratitude, and we offer the Holy One all matters of concern, needy and afflicted people, whom the Holy Spirit brings to our notice. Jesus works in our world on the basis of our believing prayers. He allows us to share in his saving work. Do you pray? and how? Do you pray in the Holy Spirit? God’s will has various intentions. One is your holiness; another that God wishes to save all and bring them to the knowledge of truth. If we walk in humble behavior, God’s name is thereby sanctified. Ask your Lord to pour the Spirit of prayer into your heart, so that you may produce much fruit, and glorify your heavenly Father and Christ, your guide.