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b) Dividing the garments and casting the lots
(John 19:23-24)
23When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his garments and made four parts, one for each soldier; also his tunic. But the tunic was without seam, woven from top to bottom.24So they said to one another, "Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it to see whose it shall be." This was to fulfill the Scripture, "They parted my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots."

The four soldiers who crucified Christ had the right to divide his garment. The centurion, however, did not stoop so low as to join them in this degrading task. So the four took away from Jesus the last of his possessions stripping him of dignity. The crucified felons were generally stripped naked further to debase them.
This humiliation proclaimed the majesty of Jesus. His seamless tunic resembled that of the high priest. Jesus himself is the divine High Priest the intercessor for all humanity. For this role he suffered and was tortured.
A thousand years earlier, the Holy Spirit had prophesied details of the crucifixion, and that in Psalm 22 where it is said, "They parted my garments among them", a matter familiar to the soldiers. The Spirit further predicted, that they would cast lots for the clothing. The spirit disclosed the fact of the cross accurately, declaring that Jesus’ crucifixion was God’s will in essence. As Jesus had said: No hair of your head will fall without your heavenly Father knowing it. Whoever says that the cross never took place not only denies historic facts, but resists the Spirit of God who predicted this event a millennium earlier. The soldiers behaved in ignorance and in an unfeeling manner at the foot of the cross. They bickered over the remains of the tortured. They were devoid of pity; they never considered that the world’s redeemer was shedding his blood on the cross.
Brother, have you been crucified with Christ, in union with his death? Or do you run after riches and fame? Do you love the Crucified. and have you received divine righteousness and true holiness by his death? Or are you a superficial observer, uncaring as he gazes on the Crucified? The Holy Spirit unites with God’s Son in faith and love, that we might share in his death, burial and sacrificial life.

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for bearing the cross. We worship you for your patience, love and blessings. We praise you for the forgiveness of our sins and the sins of the world. You took away my sin when hanging on the tree of shame, and reconciled mankind to God. You are our redeemer and intercessor.
What is the meaning of the title placed over the cross?