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19"Did not Moses give the law? Yet none of you keeps the law. Why do you seek to kill me?"20The people answered, "You have a demon! Who is seeking to kill you?"

Christ’s conduct in holiness entitled him to say to the Jews, "You received the law, but no one has applied it properly!" This statement pierced the heart of the Jewish nation, stressing that not one of the members of the Old Testament has ever fulfilled the requirements of the Law. Anyone who transgressed a single command is guilty of all. God’s wrath abides on him. With this declaration Jesus nullified Jewish claims of righteousness, and showed that the zeal and efforts of the legalists were mere self-deception.
He announced to them that he knew their leaders’ desire to destroy him. Nothing is hid before Jesus. He warned his hearers against any surface zeal, and stressed the cost of following him.
At the same he asked, "Why do you want to kill me?"
The crowd was taken aback by Christ’s words, alarmed because he said that none of them was righteous. Their reply was a cover to their plot, "No, no, who wants to kill you? God forbid!" Some even reckoned that an evil spirit had come over him. They were blind in their hatred, and unable to distinguish the Holy Spirit from the evil spirit. They had lost all feeling for the knowledge of God’s love.

What proofs is there that the gospel comes from God?