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e) Sin is bondage
(John 8:30-36)
30As he spoke thus, many believed on him.31Jesus then said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples,32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

Christ’s humble but impressive testimony affected many listeners. They inclined to believe in him as coming from God. Jesus felt their trust in him and accepted their readiness to heed. He urged them not just to believe his Gospel, but to think over his words and join him, so as to abide in him, just as the branch in the vine; so that his Spirit may flow into our hearts and thoughts without obstruction; so as to drive us to accomplish his will in practice. Whoever fulfills Christ’s words thus, realizes the truth. For truth is no mere thought, but practical reality in which we share by the conduct of our lives.
God’s truth is first of all speech that is sincere and wise; secondly it is to know God as Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the unity of love and effort. As we become rooted in Christ, we realize the beauty of the Holy Trinity.
Knowing God transforms our life. We know God to the extent that we love others. He who does not love does not know God. In knowing God through Christ’s words we are freed from selfishness. To talk of repentance or legalistic duties will not liberate us from the slavery of sin; what will is knowing the love of God, the acceptance of the Son’s pardon, and the coming of the Spirit into our lives. The love of God is what can break the chains of selfishness and egoism.