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39Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind."40Some of the Pharisees near him heard this, and they said to him, "Are we also blind?"41Jesus said to them, "If you were blind you would have no guilt; but now that you say, ‘We see,’ your guilt remains."

When the young man bowed down before Jesus, he was not prevented from doing so, because Jesus is worthy of all honor. But Jesus said that his coming would bring judgment to the proud, and on pious folk who imagined themselves to be discerning, but knew nothing of the truth. The blind and sinners had realized this and repented, and fornicators were cleansed. Jesus did not judge the unrepentant; they judged themselves for rejecting his salvation. They had received some light in the past trough the prophets and biblical evidences. But if they deliberately oppose Jesus’ preaching, they will forfeit the rest of the illumination which was available. They would become blind, hard-hearted, stubborn and hateful killers. Christ’s coming and his preaching have two results: Salvation or damnation, blessing or cursing. What is the result in your heart?
Among Christ’s audience were Pharisees, who felt that Jesus was marking them by his words. They asked, "Are we blind?" Jesus pierced their hypocrisy saying, "If you realistically saw yourselves blind and grieved at your spiritual state, you would have repented of your sins before John the Baptist, and forsaken your sins; then you would have received pardon and blessing. But you delude yourselves, and claim to understand everything, thinking you are righteous. But with such boasting you prove your blindness and hardness. You will not get a single ray of light from the light of the world."

Lord Jesus, you are God’s Son in human form. We worship you and surrender to you now and forever. We are at your disposal with our energies and possessions. We beseech you to forgive and sanctify our hearts, so that no sin, however slight, may separate us from you.
What does bowing down before Jesus signify?