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3"Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.4Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road.

Christ sent his followers as lambs among wolves. Imagine what would happen if a sheep came among a bevy of hungry wolves! They would raven the poor sheep in one second. As such Christ explains the ministry of his apostles. The world is full of evil spirits who hate those that are born of Christ’s Spirit. This is why your Savior sends you out to the evil demon-possessed that they may be changed through your meekness and become meek lambs, as Jesus himself was the meek Lamb of God who was ravened by the authorities of darkness. His death has changed us into God’s fellowship, and prepared us to die for the evil world.
If you understood your walk and aim in this way, you would not worry any further about money, clothing, rest, and food, nor take interest in movies, nor be late in your missionary work speaking meaningless words; but you would choose poverty, and go forward to dangers, for the Lord personally would accompany you and protect you. God is your only reward. Did you realize what Christ would offer you if you served him? Persecution, poverty, death? Instead of them all his great appearance. He has chosen you, and is sending you now and guiding you. He is responsible for you, and no one is able to snatch you out of his hand. He puts his hand shutting the mouths of hungry wolves until your service is finished completely.