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34"I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left.35Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left.36Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left."37And they answered and said to Him, "Where, Lord?" So He said to them, "Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together."

The coming of Christ means a clear separation between the world and the hidden kingdom of God. Today, you cannot exactly distinguish who God is, and who Satan is. But at Christ’s coming, there will be two men sleeping in one room in the midst of the night; one of them will wake up at the glittering of the shining light of Christ, get up and go to his Lord mumbling joyfully, and the other will be burnt hopelessly in the rays of God’s condemnation. If two women were grinding at the mill and conversing together in the midst of the day; one of them will rise uttering trilling cries of joy, and go to her Lord quickly, having expected him everyday, while the other will wish she could cease to exist, for her faults have appeared openly in the light of God.
Do you hide a certain sin? Are you bound to a low human habit? Ask Christ to purify you, to sanctify you, and to redeem you, for now is the time of preparation. Do not think that the coming of Christ will give an opportunity for quick purification, for your essence will suddenly appear, and you will be either light or darkness.
Eagles live in the wilderness. They discover and smell the prey from afar, and come prematurely if they felt that a sick animal is about to die, or a thirsty man is about to give up the ghost. Similarly the eagles hovering about your heads are a token of the imminent end. In his Spirit Christ saw the eagles hovering about his nation, and he warned them, particularly his disciples, of the coming hour of judgment. Today also Christ sees men’s dissolution, corruption, hatred, and envy. He also sees how the shining planes fly in the air like eagles. They will shortly pounce upon the swaggering men and crumble their bodies, for shortly before the coming of Christ the pains of giving birth to judgment and hopeless darkness will increase as a sign to the saints that the Lord is near, and that their heavenly happiness is drawing near to them.
Dear brother, save yourself today. Come to Christ that you may be untroubled in the pains of judgment. Accept his life that you may not die but bear his power in you. Christ in you is the hope of glory.

O Lord, we thank you for your love and salvation, and become rejoiced beforehand for your imminent, glorious coming. The sins are becoming accumulated in our world like a high mountain, and the atmosphere is poisoned with lies that are piercing our minds, but your Holy Spirit is centered in us, and your power prompts us to do the works of love. Strengthen our hope that we may be prepared for your presence.
How did Christ prepare his disciples for his coming?