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(Luke 9:10-50)
10And the apostles, when they had returned, told Him all that they had done. Then He took them and went aside privately into a deserted place belonging to the city called Bethsaida.11But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing.12When the day began to wear away, the twelve came and said to Him, "Send the multitude away, that they may go into the surrounding towns and country, and lodge and get provisions; for we are in a deserted place here." 13But He said to them, "You give them something to eat." And they said, "We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we go and buy food for all these people."14For there were about five thousand men. And He said to His disciples, "Make them sit down in groups of fifty."15And they did so, and made them all sit down.16Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude.17So they all ate and were filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them.

Events followed one another quickly. The disciples returned and told Christ of the miracles of his power done by their words and with their hands upon mentioning his name. These reports came at the same time to the ears of the king who brought John, the forerunner of Christ to death. This king had probably begun to search thoroughly throughout his region for all those who were baptized at the hands of the Baptist.
Then Jesus took his apostles and walked out of his country towards the kingdom of Philips, brother of the murderous Herod Antipas, where Jesus desired to deepen his disciples’ experiences, and guide them to pray and give thanks that they might humble themselves and glorify God alone, keeping in mind that they were nothing, and that their Lord is everything.
When the multitudes in Capernaum observed that the Savior of the world was about to leave their country with his followers, they followed him in droves. And as Christ moved on a boat to the other bank of the lake, five thousand men followed him on foot and on boats to partake of the power of his blessings. Thereafter they found Jesus in the wilderness, and listened comfortably to his message about the diving kingdom in which peace and truth prevail, and no sin, injustice, or murder enter. This kingdom of God begins today in whoever repents to Jesus, the Possessor who qualified us, by his blood, to receive the power of his Spirit which establishes us in the services of divine love, and in the fellowship of the divine kingdom. Did you become a member of it, or are you just neutrally listening to the words of Christ outside the kingdom of God?
When the sun went down, the multitudes became hungry, and worried. The disciples also became disturbed about them. They were afraid of embezzlement, quarrels, fainting, and hatred; so they asked Jesus to end the preaching and healing, and send the five thousand people away. But the Lord looked at his apostles and was determined to give them an unforgettable lesson in order that they should never become puffed up because of their experiences in preaching, as long as they were unprofitable servants in spite of all the miracles they had done.
Christ commanded his disciples to feed that great multitude of people, but they confessed their inability having nothing but few to offer. Such crushing confession is the principle foundation to every servant of the Lord. Be aware that you and I are nothing. We have nothing, and we know but few of the knowledge given to us by the grace of the Creator. All physicians, philosophers, scientists, and geniuses know nothing, understand nothing, and can do nothing except that which is granted and made available to them by their Lord’s grace. Did you know that you are nothing but a breath of your Lord’s grace?
When Christ had overcharged them, their minds began to think and compute: how could they manage to satisfy such a great multitude in a human way? They had a look on their moneybox, and counted the number of camels, donkeys, and ships required to carry food to them. Consequently they realized that it was impossible for them to solve this problem for they thought according to their earthly power. But Christ thought in a heavenly manner. He commanded the multitudes to divide themselves into one hundred groups of fifty, for the kingdom of God does not accept disorder, or confusion. They sat according to Jesus’ commanded, fixing their eyes on him to see what he might do while their stomachs growled and gurgled hungrily.
Jesus Christ took the five loaves and the two fishes in his hands, put them before the face of God, and thanked him for this gift. His thanksgiving and looking at his Father, together with his trust in his great providence, and love for his lost hearers, mixed with constant praise were the mystery of this miracle and the power of performing it. The bread became automatically multiplied in his hands as well as the fish, until the entire multitude was filled. The disciples and the multitudes altogether were astonished, and some of them mumbled prayers giving thanks to their Lord. What about you? Do you thank your Lord for the little that is given freely to you? Do you share it out with others, or do you withhold it from them? Where is your faith? Where is your thankfulness? Where is your love?
In the beginning of his ministry, Christ did not agree, in his temptation by the devil, to make out of the stones, bread for himself. But he was moved with compassion toward his hungry followers who had suffered long for the sake of spiritual nourishment, when they had listened to him for a long time. He was prepared to fill their bellies when they had penetrated deeply into divine things, and not vice versa, for Christ is not a king of bread. However, fleshly blessings shall be added to him who seeks first his kingdom and righteousness. The Lord did not make for his hearers a cake, chickens, and wine; but bread and fish only. The multitudes drank water from the neighboring lake and springs, and when they were all filled of food, they filled twelve baskets of bread and fish, which were more that what was at hand in the beginning. Christ commanded them to gather the pieces that were left over, in order that nothing of the grace might be perished.
Then the honorable apostles and all the public realized that Christ is the Creator, His Majesty, the Almighty, and the Conqueror of all elements who multiplies by his love what is in hand. He alone can solve the problems of the future of mankind. Such management happens not through international contributions or monetary aids, but through the spiritual Lord’s Supper. Jesus gave his body and his blood to his repentant disciples as nourishment for their road in the desert of the world. The filling of the five thousand men in Galilee was a token of the Lord’s Supper everywhere, where the Son of Man sacrifices his life, feeds those who thirst for righteousness, and give them life through his Spirit. Did you enjoy God’s spiritual nourishment, where the King gives himself to fill his chosen citizens of the world?

O Lord, How great you are! I am sinful, and am filled with complaint, worries, doubt, and unbelief. Please open my eyes to your love and power that I may believe in your ability, and carry out of your fullness to all those who hunger for righteousness; thus, we receive grace for grace.
Why did Jesus make food for five thousand people and satisfied them?