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59Then He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, let me first go and bury my father."60Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God."

This other man was not forward to follow Christ as that ardent expert in the Scriptures, but was slow in taking his decision, though his heart was flaming with love for the Nazarene. The Omniscient saw the thoughts of his heart, and wanted to help him in piercing the screens of his hesitation. So he ended his hesitation saying to him, "Follow me." But he, who was given the call, did not obey the unique word of God. He was phlegmatic, and burdened with tribal duties. As his beloved father died, he began to think of leaving Jesus’ procession to sink into the waves of sorrow at home. Yet, Jesus did not desire to leave this beginner in faith sinking in his hopelessness and tears, but wanted to take him out into the kingdom of his joy, and establish him in the family of God. This is why the Prince of life called all the living dead, for all men are dead in sins and are carrying in them the seeds of death. Every living man, through his earthly help to others, is burying them, for he is preparing their way, not to heaven, but to the destruction tomb. The true Christian is like the unique Life-Giver, for Christ made him a partner in his power that he might carry those that are dead in trespasses to everlasting life through the word of the gospel. He who believes shall live, and he who does not believe shall die.
Christ asked him, who was given the call, to do something strange and impossible for any human being. He asked him to break the customs and deny his duty to his relations that he might immediately receive the fullness of God’s life, and become a tree of grace. Christ did not direct this command to all men, but to a certain individual. So you do not have to refuse to bury your dear father when he dies, but you must rather live before your family in Christ’s joy and serving humility that your father might ask you about the power working in your life, and then becomes renewed through your prayers and communication of the gospel. Are you a witness of everlasting life, or a dead man burying the dead living?