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1. The First Preaching of Jesus and the Emblem of His Message
(Mark 1:14-15)
14Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,15and saying, “Time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

John the Baptist had completed his ministry as the Lord’s messenger when Jesus initiated his office as the Christ. Satan, who had been evidently overcome by Jesus, hurried angrily to the prophet in the wilderness to give him the last exam. He put him, through King Herod, in the dark prison that was filled with fear and doubts, and portrayed before eyes the death that awaited him several times.
Jesus did not proceed to release his messenger by force, but he understood the signs of the times, and recognized his Father’s will by the completion of time and the approach of the essential change of the world. For millions of years ago the whole creation has been waiting for the coming of the Lord who will free the world from the bonds of sins, death, and devils. When Jesus came back from Jordan River to the mountains of Galilee, time became shorter, and all the rays of grace were merged in his person, just as the sunrays come together in a crystalline lens to pierce everything that can hinder the shining light.
Christ is the Lord himself, the wise Owner who has the right to practice power, for through him (the Word) God created the worlds. He owns everything, and we are all Christ’s own whether we knew it or not.
When Jesus accepted his office as King and Proprietor, he came into the world to win it to God. All the potentials of the power of God were hidden in him. Yet, he did not make a revolution, nor did he kill his enemies in groups or individually, nor did he use his power negatively, but he compared himself to the grain of wheat, which must die first that it may produce harvest to God. Jesus the King gave his life for the people of his kingdom to qualify the lost disobedient for admittance into the vast expanse of God.
In his coming, he did not ask brokenness of his hearers first, as a condition of acceptance into the kingdom of his love, but he offered them the grace of his kingdom, and the power of heaven freely. God does not ask us to fulfill inapplicable commands, but he comes personally to us, and gives us his presence and his holy love. Therefore, the first step towards repentance is to change the mind from establishing our own insufficient works into receiving the power of God bestowed upon us. The Greek word for “repentance” does not indicate shedding tears or wailing, but it signifies a change of mind with a change of the subconscious, and a new attitude of the whole thought and entity. Jesus said to the multitudes: “I am present with you. In me dwells the kingdom of God on earth. Accept me, and accept my love, my power, and my purity, and you will be transformed into the image of my life.”
This radical change of man through spiritual repentance, according to the gospel, does not take place through magic, complication of the will, or determination, but through our faith and trust in Christ, giving up ourselves completely to him that his strength may become perfect in our weakness and consecration to his heavenly properties. He who believes in him has everlasting life today.
Before the coming of Christ, the kingdom of God was not on earth. Now the Lord builds his kingdom on the foundation of his righteousness, with the power of his Spirit, in all repentant believers, preparing them for his next coming when they will receive him with acclamation, adorned with love, humility, and certain joy. Then he will establish the kingdom of God externally on earth, revealing his glory in his meek followers.
Penetrate deeply into the gospel of Christ and your thoughts will be changed. You will be filled with the word of God, and you will be born again in Spirit and in truth. The divine King is standing before you and calling you. Will you come to him, and become sanctified in his holiness?

O Lord Christ, you are our merciful King, and we are your own. Forgive us if we stole ourselves from you to live separately as if we were our own. Thank you for you came to us while we were disobedient. You did not consume us, but lived humbly and meekly among us, hid your power, and showed your love in your holiness. We worship to you confessing that you are our Lord and King. Change our minds, and sanctify us to the uttermost that we may receive, by your justification of us, the power of your Holy Spirit, become regenerated in the second birth, and make every effort to spread your kingdom in preparation of your second coming. Come Lord Jesus! Come!
What are the significances of “the kingdom of God”?