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3. Christ Heals a Demon-Possessed in the Midst of the Synagogue
(Mark 1:21-28)
21Then they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and taught.22And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.23Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit. And he cried out,24saying, “Let us alone! What have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know who You are - the Holy One of God!”25But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be quiet, and come out of him!”26And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice, he came out of him.27Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.”28And immediately His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee.

A man that was possessed with an unclean spirit appeared in the midst of the synagogue. Are there spirits today, in your churches, other than the Holy Spirit? Then ask Christ to cast all unclean spirits out of your church that the poor may be saved, and delivered from the unclean spirit, and that they may continue in your meetings as blessed members.
Wherever Christ, who is born of the love of God, comes, great powers come out of him and the devils know and fear him. As enemies of God, they do not see his love, or understand his grace, but they shiver from his destroying holiness. They only recognize that Christ is the eternal Judge to whom all authority is given in heaven and on earth. The devils, demons, and unclean spirits are afraid of their everlasting destruction. They tremble for fear of the judgment coming on them.
Today, many people do not believe in the existence of spirits. They smile and laugh at the mention of them. However, the gospel testifies clearly the existence of Satan and his great army. His spirits affect many people, and possess others. Therefore, do not say hastily and easily that anyone is possessed, and do not try to cast out unclean spirits by your own power. This business concerns only Christ through those who are mature in his Spirit. You have to thank your Lord with all your heart because he kept you from the authority of Hell, and purified you to the freedom of God’s children. The faith in Christ is a grace and gift, and not your personal work. Be confident in the protection of the kingdom of Christ. You are kept in his heart, and he will protect you from the devil if you truly submit to your Lord.
The demons believe in God and in his Anointed One, but they tremble for fear of him. It is strange that the spirits of hell do not reason the truth of Christ, but they confess him spitefully gnashing their teeth; whereas many people and different religions deny Jesus’ divinity. Demons confess reluctantly the holiness of Christ, and they kneel before him, but their confession is incomplete. It is based on deceitful lying. Unclean spirits did not know the complete truth, for Christ did not come to destroy, or to proclaim himself as an eternal Judge, but he came to us as a merciful Savior who expects our faith and trust out of our love, and not out of our fear of him. This is why he silenced the unjust spirits. Jesus did not want the structure of his kingdom to be built on sayings of Hell, but only on trust in his love. Dear brother, do not believe in the power of an evil, unclean spirit, no matter how genius, or pious his sayings may be, for whatever he says is lying founded on deception, even if he pretended to be a Pharisee desirous for the word of God, as that demon-possessed who sat in the church of Capernaum.
Christ is the Victor. His casting out of unjust spirits signifies the coming of the kingdom of God into our world, where Satan will not be a prince of our world any longer, for Christ will snatch his captives away from him. All unclean spirits have to run away before the Spirit of Christ. With one word, Christ cast the power of evil out of the possessed ones, without hits or crying. We suggest to you that you must also testify the holy gospel, pray faithfully, and put your life completely under the sprinkling of the blood of the Lamb of God that Christ may deliver many of our nation from the possession of Satan and unholy spirits through his powerful word. The Gospel alone is the means of men’s salvation. Come to the Triumphant One and you will be saved, you and your household.

O Lord Christ, you are our great King. We worship to you and thank you exultantly for you delivered us from unclean spirits, and touched us with your Holy Spirit. Establish us in your love and truth that we may continue in your protection and walk cleanly. Free all those who are affected by the devil’s spirit around us, and enlighten those who long for you that they may see your light and leave darkness by your power.
How did Jesus deliver the demon-possessed? How does he deliver those who are affected by unclean spirits today?