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18. The Death of Jesus, and the Wonderful Signs
(Mark 15:37-39)
37And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last.38Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.39So when the centurion, who stood opposite Him, saw that He cried out like this and breathed His last, he said, “Truly this Man was the Son of God!”

Jesus did not see his Father while he was paying the debt of the divine justice, for his Father had left him proclaiming himself to him as a destroying Judge. However, the Son fought the good fight of faith, trusting in the fatherhood of God to the end, and he proclaimed his triumph, crying out: “It is finished!” This cry of triumph reflected on heavens, earth, and hell. It came like an echo with songs of praise from all angels and saints, together with gnashing of teeth in hell.
The evil one could not invalidate men’s reconciliation to God, nor could he succeed in corrupting the Lamb of God, for Jesus overcame him with his love, patience, faith, and steadfast hope. The salvation is completed. He who believes is justified.
Jesus saw the ghost of death coming to him. However, he was not afraid, though God had left him, but he held fast his hope in the God’s everlasting faithfulness, and committed his soul and his Spirit into the hands of his Father, trusting that his everlasting love would not change, even if he had appeared as a Judge. His committing himself into the hands of the Father was the seal on Jesus’ triumph. His hope was not cut off, and the Holy Spirit did not die in him, though his human entity truly died.
The crucified Jesus truly died. So, how do some say, “they neither killed him, nor crucified him”? The historical truth condemns the liars, and shows the truth.
The death of Jesus is the axis of history. From that moment, the world changed. The Lamb of God justified all sinful people. The curtain hanging in the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, as an indication that God was not separated from his creatures. Previously, the high priest was entitled to come once a year with fear and trembling to the Ark of the Covenant, which was considered as the throne of God, to reconcile the sinful nation to the Holy God. Now, the way is opened to whoever accepts Jesus’ sacrifice faithfully. The preventing barriers of the old covenant have been removed, the Law became without a throne, and the way to God is opened. Come to your Father! The door is wide open, and God is waiting for you personally.
Some of the dead were allowed to rise at that moment, having recognized Christ’s triumph in their tombs, and come to the divine revelation. The atoning death of the Son of God offers righteousness and everlasting life to all those who believe in him.
The commander of the century, which executed Jesus, had already seen many criminals, slaves, enemies, and false prophets on the cross, but he had never seen a death like Jesus’ in holy love, and humble glory. When the Righteous One bowed his head, this centurion mumbled: “This one was not like the others. The divine power was present in him. He was not only the son of a king, or a Caesar, but he is the Son of God in person.” The mystery of Jesus was first recognized by this idolater, while it remained hidden to the members of the old covenant.
What about you, dear reader? What do you say in your heart?

O Son of the Holy God, we worship to you because you gave your pure life for us unclean sinners, and died in our place with much sufferings and temptations. We love you with all our hearts, and ask you to change our selfishness. Dissolve our hardheartedness that we may be worthy to bring our lives as a thank offering to God, and to serve all men as you served us. We thank you for your death, which opened to us the way to the Father. All those who believe in you worship to you forever. Amen.
What do the events upon the death of Jesus mean?