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4. Christ Loves and Blesses Little Children
(Matthew 19:13-15)
13Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.14But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”15And He laid His hands on them and departed from there. (Matthew18:2-3, Mark10:13-16, Luke18:15-17)

Mothers brought their children to Christ seeking His blessing. Their little ones were in real need of approaching Christ and receiving His blessing, for every newborn bears the seed of sin inherited from his grandfathers. No child is righteous in himself, even though he has not yet fallen into temptation. It is certain that we find in little ones’ eyes the original innocence and happiness that glow into their hearts, but when they play with others, the traces of growing selfishness appear in their anger, pride, and dislike.
This is why Christ says, “Let the children come to Me, and do not forbid them,” for they need salvation. How wide is the sea of grace that flows from these words into the children’s world. The adult believers open Sunday schools, mothers pray with their little ones, and faithful teachers lead them to the Savior. All children need Christ’s forgiveness and renewal. Without His grace no child is holy. But children have the privilege of believing in Christ for themselves. They can have confidence in the words of those who let them see and feel Christ’s love.
Christ would be glorified if all men planted God’s love into their children from childhood. What mothers teach their children from the Holy Bible and tell them about Christ is the greatest treasure, more valuable than all diplomas and degrees. Those who glorify Christ by coming to Him, should further glorify Him by bringing all they have, or have influence upon, to Him likewise. Thus give Him the honor of His unsearchable riches of grace and His overflowing, never failing, fullness.
Fill your houses with the Word of God, and teach your children the Scriptures, for Christ purchased for them the right of heaven with his own blood. After he had reconciled us with God, all men have a share in heaven and a privilege to call the Creator, “Our Father,” for we are all children. Blessed are you if you cling to this privilege for you shall feel Christ putting His hand on your head for blessing.
The disciples rebuked the mothers of the children and objected against bringing them to Jesus thinking that such blessing was unnecessary.
It is well for us, that Christ has more love and tenderness in him than the best of His disciples had. Let us learn of Him not to put off any well-meaning souls in their enquiries after Christ, though they are but weak. If Jesus does not break the bruised reed, we should not. Those that seek to come to Christ, must think it strange if they are meet with opposition and rebuke. Especially if it comes from good men who think they know the mind of Christ better than they do.

Heavenly Father, we thank You because You called us Your children, and Your Son bought us by his death the right of adoption. Teach us to implant this privilege to all the children with whom we have contact by word and deed that we may not become a stumbling block to them, but a guide to You. We ask You to inspire mothers and teachers to teach children with wisdom and sincerity concerning Your Fatherly Holy Name.
Why should children come to Jesus?