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2. The Consultation against Jesus
(Matthew 26:3-5)
3Then the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders of the people assembled at the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas,4and plotted to take Jesus by trickery and kill Him.5But they said, “Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people.” (Luke3:1-2)

There had been many discussions to eliminate Christ, but this plot was more grievous than any yet, for the religious leaders were all taking part. The chief priests, who presided in ecclesiastical affairs; the elders, who were judges in civil matters; and the scribes who, as doctors of the law, were advisers to the Sanhedrin, had all rejected Christ. They made up this alliance against Christ.
The leaders of the Jews hated Christ because he criticized their hypocrisy and sins, and told them to repent and believe in Him. Yet, they did not consider Him the Son of God but a blasphemer. They envied and resented Him because the masses followed Him. His miracles testified to His great power. They became angry in their hearts, called Him a deceiver, a demon and seducer, and secretly decided to kill Christ. They met in the palace of the high priest, Caiaphas, to outline a cunning plan to destroy Him.
Christ was aware of their secret plot and disappeared from them. He intended to die only at the appointed hour of the Passover as the unique Lamb of God. He wanted everybody to know the reason and purpose for God becoming flesh and dying according to His Father’s plan and His own will and not according to His enemies’ design.

Lord Jesus Christ, You knew in advance that Your hour came near, and knew that the leaders of Your nation would deliver You to be crucified. Yet, You decided to die in the hours when the lambs were slain on the Passover, to show that You are God’s unique Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. They could not carry out their plans, but You determined Your destiny step by step on that dark night. We glorify You and thank You for Your holy steadfastness on Your way to the cross.
Why could the Sanhedrin not pass a sound judgment against Christ?