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24No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Luke16:13; James4:4)

Christ reveals a general saying for us, “No man can serve two masters,” much less two gods, for their commands will some time or another cross or contradict one another. While the two masters go together, a servant may follow them both, but when they part, he will follow one of them. He cannot love and observe and cleave to both, as he should. If to the one, not to the other, either this or that must be comparatively hated and despised.
The word “mammon” mentioned in the original text is a Syriac word that signifies “gain”; so that whatever in this world is, or is accounted by us to be gain, is mammon. Whatever is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, is mammon. To some, ease, sports and pastimes are their mammon – to others their honors and promotions. The praise and applause of men was the Pharisees’ mammon. The sensual, secular self, is the mammon that cannot be served in conjunction with God. For if it be served, it is in competition with Him and in contradiction to Him.
Christ does not say, you “must” not, but you “cannot” serve God and mammon. We cannot love both, or hold to both, or hold both in observance, obedience, attendance, trust and dependence, for they are contrary the one to the other. God says, “My son, give me your heart.” Mammon says, “No, give it me.” God says, “Be content with such things as you have.” Mammon says, “Grasp at as much as you can by fair or by foul means.” God says, “Do not defraud, never lie and be honest and just in your dealings.” Mammon says, “Cheat your own Father, if you can gain by it.” God says, “Be charitable.” Mammon says, “Hold your own: this giving does not help us at all.” God says, “Be careful for nothing.” Mammon says, “Be careful for everything.” God says, “Keep holy your Sabbath or Sunday.” Mammon says, “Make use of that day as well as any other for the world.”
Thus inconsistent are the commands of God and mammon, so that we “cannot” serve both. Let us not compromise between God and Baal, but choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve and abide by your choice.

O Father, we thank You for being patient with us, we materialists. Please forgive us our inclination and love for money. Free us from trusting our possessions. Teach us to love and trust only You to give You everything and gain You, our only treasure and reward in life and eternity. Make us free to give willingly with wisdom to the needy around us.
Why can we not serve both God and mammon simultaneously?