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(ROMANS 3:21 - 4:22)

1. The revelation of the righteousness of God in the atoning death of Christ
(Romans 3:21-26)
21But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,22even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference;23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,24being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus

Are you sinful? This question is addressed only to the sinners who have suffered from their past deeds, because they recognized that their blood was evil, and their manners were bad.
Come, and listen to the Gospel which speaks to you in the midst of God’s judgment of the world.
Paul has proven to all men, pious and sinful, chosen and lost, cultured and simple, old and young, in the name of the natural and divine law, that they are sinners with debased minds.
Blessed are you who knew that you are imperfect in the glory of God, as all men are. We have lost the image of God given to us in creation. Do you weep because of your corruption?
What is God’s answer to the accusation of his holy law against us? What is the divine judgment against the multitudes of evil transgressors? What is his righteous judgment against you and me?
Mighty words fell down in heaven and on earth in the midst of the silence and awe of the worlds of the dead and the living: All are justified! Our mind rises and says: “That’s impossible!” and the devil cries out: “No!” But the Spirit of God comforts you, and points to the slain Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. God punished his Son instead of all sinners. The holy God destroyed his holy Son to sanctify the corrupt. Christ settled your spiritual debts through his physical sufferings that you might freely enter the expanses of God. You are free, redeemed, and released. Neither sin, nor Satan, nor death has power over you. You are innocent, and accepted by God forever.
Do you believe this, and do you trustfully accept the gospel of salvation? If you look in the mirror, you will see yourself as before, but will notice something new. You will see signs of gratitude and joy glittering in your eyes, because God loves you, and has justified you from your sins through the death of his only Son. You either accept this truth, or reject it. The justification of the whole world has been completed, and there is no need for Christ to die again on the cross. He who believes is saved, and he who holds fast to salvation will not be condemned. Your faith has saved you.
All were evil and condemned to death and destruction, But God has justified them all, giving them the opportunity to live for his eternal service. This universal grace is not found in all religions of the world. It is found only in the Gospel. The love of God saved all mankind; lawyers and lost, prominent people and disbelievers, philosophers and simple, the elderly and children. God has justified them all. How long will you keep silent to his grace? Come on, call your friends and tell them that their prison door is wide open, and that they have the right to be set free as ordained in the Gospel. Hurry up, and show them the new freedom of God.
Dear brother, have you personally accepted Christ and his salvation? Do you know him as your merciful Savior? Then let me congratulate you and suggest that you should thank Jesus for his sufferings and death, for he alone saved, cleansed, and justified you. So, honor him with your faith, and thank him unceasingly. Let your remaining life be full of thankfulness for his glorious grace.

O beloved Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you and love you because you died for us on the cross. O merciful Father, we worship you because you forgave all our sins through Jesus’ atoning death. O Holy Spirit, we thank you because you gave us the grace of free knowledge, established us in complete justification, and confirmed to us assured forgiveness. We glorify you O Holy Trinity, because you gave meaning to our life. Teach us to thank you forever, and sanctify our lives that our conduct may radiate thankfulness for your great grace.
What are the main ideas in our justification through faith?