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23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This golden verse sums up the whole gospel, clearly telling us the fruit of the natural man, and the great thing which Jesus Christ gives.
1. We die because we sin. Death is unavoidable because we are sinful. And since all men are sinful, all die. This is the consequence of life.
2. But he who believes in Christ, receives the gift of God. This gift is not silver, gold, or any precious material, nor can it be found among the elements of the whole world. Instead it comes directly from the heart of God, and truly dwells in our hearts. He gives his own life to all those who were crucified with his Son, that they may participate in his reign forever. He does so because he is the Lord of Lords, and he reigns with his Father and Holy Spirit; one God, forever and ever.

We worship you O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, because you took us away from our involvement with sins and offenses, delivered us from the cords of death, carried us to the expanses of Christ, and filled us with the life of your Holy Spirit that we might not die forever, but live with and in you because of your great grace.
What is the difference between the bondage to sin and death, and the love of Christ?