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19Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.20However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.

When the Jews in the neighboring towns heard about these strange events, they raced to Lystra and incensed the people there against Paul and Barnabas. They fabricated charges against them, labeling them defrauders, corruptors of traditions, and persons endangering the future of the town. The angry public sided with the deceivers, and joined with the leading personalities of the other towns, who incited them to kill the two apostles. Then the multitudes, being convinced that Paul was not a god but a human being, just as they were, gathered around him and stoned him. They were glad that no lightening or thunder had come out of him, showing him to be a weak human being like them. They attacked him violently and showered him with sharp stones, the one who had the courage to disparage their gods. He fell down bleeding and torn, in a deplorable condition, covered with a large number of stones. The multitude did not attack the gentle Barnabas, but chose to hurt Paul alone, who was the force behind the movement, powerful in preaching, and healing. Hell knew where danger came from. It is possible that Paul called to remembrance Stephen, who had been stoned before the walls of Jerusalem, even while forgiving his enemies their offences and committing his spirit into the hands of the living Jesus.
Following the stoning the multitudes dragged Paul, like a dead dog, out of the gates of the town. They returned to their houses, tired and exhausted after the day’s events. The disciples gathered around Paul’s bleeding body and prayed together, trusting in Christ’s power over death. Then Paul, as if infiltrated with the power of God through the prayers of those around him, rose up. In torn and bloodstained clothes he looked silently at his brothers in Christ. He did not flee away in the dark wilderness, but returned with them back into the murderous town, back into the midst of their enemies. He knew that Christ had not left him in death, but raised him up again unto service. He confirmed the souls of the believers in the love of God in spite of his painful wounds.
The next day Barnabas and Paul went on foot to the near city of Derbe. Paul was overtired and his wounds were still bleeding. His heart, however, was rejoicing and glad, for Christ had founded a living church in Lystra. The disciples learned about the name of Jesus there, through the example of the apostles.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Your name is holy, and Satan hates Your followers, wishing to destroy them. Help us to understand Your truth, and to declare it with prudence. Help us to love our enemies, and to bless those who torment us. We ask for the foundation of Your church in our town. Amen.