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25The woman said to him, "I know that the Messiah is coming" (he who is called Christ). "When he comes, he will show us all things."26Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am HE."

The woman felt the power and truth of Jesus’ loving words. She wished to see the fulfillment of the promises that he was giving her. She remembered that prophecy of the nearing appearance of Christ. Her hopes she set on his name, believing that only he could inform her about the true worship of God.
Strangely, Jesus did not reveal himself with the clarity that he does here before this woman on any earlier occasion. He said he was the expected One, sent from God, filled with the Holy Spirit. "I myself am God’s gift to man; the word of God incarnate and the Salvation prepared for all."
The woman failed to see that Messiah implies the King of kings, the chief of prophets and the High Priest. She may have heard that his coming would be linked with resurrection and the spread of peace on earth. She may also have heard of the political dreams of the Jews associated with this name. But all she wanted was a Savior to redeem her from sin. She believed that Christ could do this.
At this Jesus said, "I am the One speaking to you." Heavens plans and the promises of prophets meet in this expression "I AM." No mere man could more explicitly claim that he was the Messiah. The anti-Christ was to come, who may make such a claim falsely. But Christ is love incarnate who does not despise any ignorant sinner, but will have mercy even on an alien woman of Samaria. He is mercy not judgment.