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30"I can do nothing on my own authority; as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of Him who sent me."

Christ carries out the greatest task of all; he is the eternal Judge. Christ was aware of this authority handed him. Yet he was humble, descending to the lowest degree in humility, saying, "Of my own self I can do nothing." That is, I cannot judge, think, love or breathe on my own. So he gave all honor to the Father.
At all times Jesus was bound to his Father. This phone line was never interrupted between the two. God’s voice informed him about the spirits in man. God’s Spirit examines the world and tests your heart as well, disclosing your thoughts and what you conceal from others. This Spirit in Christ judges you rightly. Blessed are you if you confess your sins before God and have accepted forgiveness from the Crucified. Your name will be recorded in the Book of Life. Then to the righteous he will say, "Come you, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
Christ the Truth will not lie; he knows what is in the human breast. He knows those traits we inherit from our forefathers, and does not judge us hastily. He waits patiently for the sinner’s repentance. His holy nature will separate those who have become merciful through His mercy, from those who reject His Spirit, and stay hard-hearted.
Christ showed his meekness alongside his humility. He kept asking his Father in all matters what He desired. So Christ fulfilled his Father’s will in word and deed even the cross. At the decisive hour he prayed, "Not my will, but yours be done." He will thus dispense God’s judgments completely.
All these relationships between the Father and the Son recorded by the evangelist are aimed to ground us in the faith of Trinitarian unity. The authority for raising people from the dead belong to the Father and Son equally. God showed him all His works, and did nothing disclosing it to the Son. Christ’s voice will raise the dead; he has the keys of death and hell. Our faith is a mystery to mere intellect; only if Christ’s love is poured into us with his meekness, shall we realize the reasonableness that God is One in three Persons for our salvation.

What is the relation between the Father and the Son as explained to us by Jesus?