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13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,14"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"

As the shepherds heard the titles of Christ from the angel’s mouth, they became spellbound out of astonishment. The words of the divine announcer pierced their hearts. However, in order that they should understand what God meant by his Son’s birth, the shining angel gave them a clear sign which could be touched with their hands and seen with their eyes: a newborn child wrapped in ordinary cloths and lying in a poor manger.
It was necessary for those simple shepherds to realize that the great Lord became a meek child. He did not remain a glorious Spirit, but became a body so loaded with the infirmities of our being that he needed to be wrapped like a child. He could not speak in the manger, but was committed into his maidservant’s hands. The Son of the Highest became small, poor, and lowly. This is the meaning of God’s coming down in the New Testament. This is the opposite of haughtiness. He Great One did not remain mighty and haughty, but humbled himself and became near to us. This is our God: Love embodied in flesh.
When this initial thought entered into the minds of the unwise, they sank and fell to the ground, for heavens became wide, the light shone brightly, and a multitude of angels appeared, thousands and ten thousands praising and rejoicing joyfully and gladly, for the true Savior has now entered the wicked world. Suddenly the shepherds heard a storm of praise blowing from heaven, and carrying song and chants in the lights of glory. The divine voices sang with all clarity proclaiming the glory, majesty, and splendor of our God to whom pertain the kingdom, the power, the honor, the wisdom, the worship, and thankfulness. He has everything, and everything refers to him. The suns are his footstool, and the saints sing before him.
The sight of the glory of the Holy One did not burn those spellbound shepherds, but opened to them certain hope and promise of all God’s revelations: peace on earth as in heaven. The eternal divine peace with no disagreement, dislike, or war.
God sent his Christ to represent peace on our tired, sick earth. Today, the Holy Spirit accomplishes this true peace in Jesus’ followers. Did you know that the peace of the Holy One began in the world in those who opened themselves to his pleasure? Yet, whoever closes himself against the message of the manger and the cross, becomes disturbed and goes astray, for there is no peace for the unbelievers. Wherever the remission of sins dwells and the power of the Holy Spirit works, there begins Christ’s peace on earth.
The design of God’s grace is fulfilled in all those whose hearts became a cradle for Jesus and who answered the message of salvation thankfully and prayerfully. Did you realize the pleasure of God offered to all men? Did you follow the Prince of Peace and become a peacemaker? The pleasure of the Holy One pours out on you and dwells in you. You may ask how. Well! The Babe of the manger is the proof. God is with you. He wants to dwell in you so that eternal peace may begin in your life.

Heavenly Father, We worship you because your glory is greater than the sun, which you created with your word. Please raise my hands toward the rays of your love so that I may be filled with your peace and truth, for your pleasure is coming to me, and is determined to dwell in many.
How did the child of the manger proclaim God’s glory?