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p) Jesus’ Second Prediction of His Death and Resurrection
(Matthew 17:22-27)
22Now while they were staying in Galilee, Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men,23and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up.” And they were exceedingly sorrowful. (Matthew16:21;20:18-19)

The Son of Man is God incarnate, the lasting glory, the spring of divine power, and the servant of all men. His holiness judges us all, and His conduct is our measure in the Day of Judgment, because His life is the exact interpretation of the ten commandments. Jesus is truly man and truly God. He did not employ His power for His own interests. It is for this true humility that His Father has given to Him all authority in heaven and on earth.
The meek Christ, though He was the Almighty, did not refrain from submitting Himself to the hands of malicious people. His meekness is stronger than the violence of the rulers. He sacrificed Himself for many.
This self-denial overcame all the evil forces working for the destruction of the universe. By His atoning death, He wanted to complete our justification, sanctification, and protection. He resolutely went ahead to Jerusalem and suffered for the sake of those who hated Him, redeeming His enemies for His kingdom and loving them to the end.
How great is our redemption through Christ’s death on the cross! His love reveals our selfishness and pride, but the grace of the Lamb of God changes and cleanses us. His sacrifice saves our reprobate souls. At that time, Jesus’ disciples did not recognize the depth and mystery of His salvation, and were exceedingly sorrowful when He told them about His approaching death. They could not imagine the need for it and did not believe it.

O Holy One, we glorify You because Jesus was born to die in place of us, to bear the sin of the world, and to suffer at the hands of the unrighteous. We thank You because He was meek. He committed Himself to Your Fatherly will. We won by His death, life, righteousness and holiness, and receive the spirit of blessing through His sacrifice. Help us not to be sorrowful for any event that may come upon us in our life, nor to deny Your blessings and favors. We want to cling to You with all our strength and passion, and to be cheerful and thank Him as we thank You and rejoice for Your plan of salvation for all men.
Why were the disciples sorrowful and did not thank Jesus when He told them about His death?