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12And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.13But he who endures to the end shall be saved.14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew10:22,28:19,2Timothy3:1-5, Revelation13:10)

Every driver in a city experiences traffic jams and sees other drivers create difficulties with reckless driving. We also see chaos when children no longer respect their parents. Students suffer from the bad influences and bullying of their schoolmates. Coarseness, selfishness, and injustice have become common, while respected values and virtues are disappearing. Cheating, deception, and exploitation are prevalent.
If we are not careful, the poison of this atmosphere, will gradually affect our hearts. It is possible that we, too, will become hateful, impure, and murderers. Yet Christ puts His hand on us, frees us from resentment, and gives us His love. Only Christ's kindness can overcome the darkness of the last days. He who does not make an effort to stand fast in Christ's grace and teaching may fall from Him, for Satan's ways are very cunning and powerful.
Dear friend, look at Jesus - how He forgave His enemies their offenses even on the cross, saved the repenting thief, and stood faithful in God's fury against our offenses. Christ suffered without complaint, and loved without interruption. You cannot bear the hatred of others by your own ability, but the Lord can strengthen you to exceeding love. Ask Him to help you overcome excessive sensitivity, die to your dignity, and forget your resentment of every little insult. Otherwise, your heart may become hardened and you will separate yourself, little by little, from the communion of saints. Without Him you will not be able to do any positive thing.
He who endures shall be saved. Christ does not expect your endurance in one event only, but he expects continuous forgiveness, joy, and mercy until the end of your life. But be encouraged! As Christ carries your yoke with you, he is teaching you and revealing many amazing, hidden things. Learn from Him, for He is gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul.
Christ told us that, before the end of our present world comes, the Gospel will be preached throughout the world. Within forty years of Christ's death, the Gospel had gone out to all the Roman empire (Romans 10:18). The Apostle Paul preached the Gospel from Jerusalem to Illyricum (Romans 15:19). The other apostles were also not idle. The persecution of the saints at Jerusalem had helped to disperse them, so that they were everywhere, preaching the word (Acts 8:1-4). Ironically, what the Jewish leaders thought to prevent, by putting Christ to death, they actually aided. When the Romans took Jerusalem in 70 AD, further dispersion, or Diaspora, took place. By that time, many believed in Him.
Even in times of temptation, trouble, and persecution, the Gospel of the kingdom has been and will be preached. Though the enemies of the church grow fierce, while many of her friends cool, yet the Gospel will be preached. God's word is stronger than any opposition. The people that know their God, will be strengthened to love and instruct many.
The Lord Jesus tells us that this earth and universe will end. Then why do we live as if our lives will never end? The end may perhaps come by nuclear weapons, as our terrestrial globe disappears in the twinkling of an eye. In the face of daily uncertainty, Moses gave us the key to wise behavior by saying, "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12).

Lord Jesus, We thank You because You come to protect us. Teach us to love all men and present to them the power of the effective Gospel. Teach us patience and endurance, as Your servants all around the world pray, "Come, Lord Jesus."
How do we triumph over troubles in the last days?