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5. The Appearance of Christ in Galilee and His Command to Preach to the World
(Matthew 28:16-18)
16Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.17When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.18And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, …

The disciples heard about Christ’s resurrection, but they did not believe the women’s testimony concerning what He said. Yet, His promises worked in their hearts so they went obediently into Galilee where their Lord ministered to them. He wanted to declare the glory of His resurrection among them.
Jesus suddenly appeared to His disciples on the mountain where he had appointed them to be. They probably had other faithful friends with them. Some commentators think that this meeting was the same meeting that the apostle Paul tells us about in 1 Corinthians 15:5 where he mentions that Jesus was seen by over five hundred brethren at once.
Though they saw him with their own eyes, some of them doubted and did not believe. His clear presence convinced the majority of them, and they fell to their faces and worshiped Him who had triumphed over death. They accepted Him as Lord, felt His majesty and glory, and trembled with fear and joy.

Lord Jesus Christ, we glorify You because You met Your disciples who had fled at the hour of testing. You did not reproach them, but charged them with holding the torch of the gospel and giving it to the nations. Not all Your followers believed in Your resurrection. They doubted. But You foresaw their future with the coming of the power of the Holy Spirit, trusted Your Heavenly Father, and sent them. Have mercy on us, unfruitful as we are. Speak to us, and strengthen us that we will obey Your commands with joy.
Why did Christ send unfruitful believers to the harvest?