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26For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.27Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things, which are not fitting;

Paul wrote the terrible phrase, “God gave them up” three times in the first chapter. This phrase signifies termination, anger, and the first level of condemnation. Woe to those whom God gave up to the power of evil, for they have fallen from the providence and protection of the Almighty.
This separation from God manifests itself in the raging passions of lusts and atheistic thoughts. They run like an animal in heat, thinking only of satisfying their sexual desires. Where the Holy Spirit does not dwell in the heart of man, and does not control his body and subconscious, man turns into an adulterer, even if he was covered with the mask of good manners and politeness.
Particularly today, in the age of equality between man and woman, some women claim to have the right to satisfy their desires without a man. Moreover, some organizations propagate homosexuality to put an end to the multiplication of people. However, Paul considers all those who give themselves up to lust in abnormal ways, as given up to self-deceit under the wrath of God.
They all have a great harm in themselves, as well as devious complexes in their minds. They are not normal people any longer, but they dream and do what they do not want to do; for whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. There are also many strong, sinful engagements and involvements, which enslave all those who do not abide in the order of God.
The reason for the decline of civilization is deep. The essence of evil is not sexual deviation, but the corrupt, who do not want to keep God in their minds. Because they loved themselves and the world more than God, they fell from impurity to adultery. He who reads testimonies of people saved by Christ quickly recognizes that these people, before their salvation, were far from God. As a result of their unbelief, these people were enslaved to all forms of sexual deviation and uncleanness. But when Christ found them, he gave them forgiveness, purification, change, comfort, strength, hope, and gladness.
Yet, he who willfully keeps away from God, and opposes the drawing of the Holy Spirit to repentance and redemption, will have a debased mind. There is no sentence pronounced on a man more burdensome than having the word “debased” written over him with the hand of God; for under such a situation, he cannot return to God, because such a return requires conversion. The Greek word “repentance” literally means a change of mind. God expects a fundamental and thorough change in the hearts of men that involves a reversal of previous thinking and conduct, in order that he may receive them and renew them.
Now, what about your heart? Is your mind open to the Spirit of God, and his salvation and purity? If you still live indifferently, away from God, turn to him as long as it is still called “Today”. Ask your Lord to purify your subconscious and change your heart. Do not let your past remain impure. Your Lord is your Healer. He alone can release you from all your engagements if you want him to release you from your lusts with all your heart. You can never save yourself by yourself. You have only to will, decide, ask, and receive the salvation of the Lord who is prepared to save you.

O holy God, you know me, and all my thoughts are uncovered to you. You know my past, and everyone to whom I have sinned. Forgive me my lusts, and purify my subconscious. Draw me to your word that I may love you. I do not want to sin anymore. Please create in me a strong will that I may receive my freedom at your hand. Save me from my debased mind and corrupt body. You are my Physician and my Savior. In You I trust.
How did Paul depict the appearance of the wrath of God?