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6. In Christ, man is delivered from sin, death, and condemnation
(Romans 8:1-11)
1There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

In chapters 5-7, the apostle Paul confirms to us our inability to save ourselves from our evil nature by our own power. He clarifies to us that the Law does not help us, but it excites in us the longing for sin, and condemns us in the end. The spirit of death reigns in our bones, and sin predominates over our good will. By these proofs, the apostle stripped man of all abilities to save himself through his own power, and destroyed his false hope of a pure, upright life by human power, or moral means.
After this incontestable proof, the apostle shows us the only way to life with God, through what he refers to in chapter 8 of the principles of the new life as “in Christ”.
The man, who is united with Jesus, now enters into the expanses of the Redeemer. He does not walk alone, abandoned, weak, or guilty, because his Lord accompanies him, protects him, and cares for him. The Lord does so, not because the believer is good in himself, but because he committed himself to his merciful Savior, who justified and sanctified him, beautified him with love, and forever keeps him. Christ himself dwells in the believer, and changes and develops him to his fullness in spiritual state that the apostle calls “being in Christ”. He does not speak about continuance in church, but asks us to become united with Christ, and to drown ourselves in his love.
Our faith is not only based on theoretical beliefs, but it is materialized in holy conduct, because Christ caused our pride to die on the cross, and raised us by his resurrection to a new life. He who believes in him adheres to his Lord, and receives from him a heavenly power. These words are not an empty philosophy, but the experience of millions of believers, in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. God himself comes, and dwells in the one who accepts Christ and his salvation.
The Holy Spirit, as the divine and unique advocate, comforts your confused conscience against the complaints of the devil. He confirms to you, in the name of the holy God, that you have become righteous in Christ, and have obtained heavenly power that you might be able to live purely in the midst of this corrupt world. The dwelling of the Holy Spirit changes the state of man, as Paul describes in chapter 7. He does not remain natural, carnal, and weak; but becomes able, in the power of the Spirit, to do what God wills. Now that he has experienced the great salvation in the power of the Spirit, Paul’s recent confession that what he wanted to do he did not do, but what he hated he did, has been changed. He now does what God wills, and his heart is pleased with his power.
This Spirit confirms to you that the resurrected, triumphant Christ will also accompany you during the hours of judgment. He will carry you in his arms in the flame of God’s wrath, and will protect you from the rays of the Holy One, for there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
He also helps you today to lead the Christian life in the patience of love, gladness of humility, and truth of purity, not because you can create these virtues of yourself, but because you abide in Christ as the branch abides in the vine. This is why your Lord says to you: “Abide in me, and I in you, that you may bring much fruit”. How great is our hope!

O holy God, we worship you and rejoice, because you redeemed us from our haughtiness, saved us from our unclean conduct, justified us from all our sins, and purified us from our abominations. We praise you because you carried us to your own life, and redeemed us with your love that we might walk holy, and continue in your eternal fellowship with all those who are called in the world.
What is the meaning of the first sentence in chapter 8?