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2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Our faith is full of life, because the Holy Spirit is poured out in the hearts of believers, if they open their hearts to Christ. This life-giving, reviving Spirit is the creative power of God, which works in those who rely on the Crucified.
In the beginning of creation, the divine Spirit was hovering over the formless universe. Today, this blessed Spirit creates the life of hope in millions. We, as believers, do not live from ourselves, but from his care, incentives, and patience. Whoever agrees and opens his heart to the work of the Spirit of Christ becomes filled with the power of God. You are not saved or sanctified by your own will, thoughts, or strength, but only through the Holy Spirit of God. He is the creator of your faith, the author of your love, the spring of your pleasure, and the source of your benevolence. He is God who works in us, prompts us to works of mercy, continues in us faithfully, and leads us to perfection in love.
This life of the divine Spirit is not changeable, like a shifting wind which changes its direction every moment, but is regular, well ordered, and lawful so that the apostle calls it “the law of the Spirit of life”. In other words, the law of the Spirit is the life of Christ in those who believe in him. The Holy One bound himself to those who believe in his new covenant, and established by his death a truth which continues in spite of the end of times, for his faithfulness is eternal. The Spirit who is poured out from the heart of the Father and the Son does not come to you because of your prayers, fasting, and righteousness, but on the basis of the righteousness of Christ completed for you on the cross. God has established eternal life in you on truth. His power does not flow explosively or in a forced way, but in holy kindness, and pleasant order. It neither cries, nor roars, but loves and behaves humbly as Christ loves the sinners, for he lives in you and you in him. Therefore do not allow any strange spirit to dwell in you.
This spiritual life, which is given to you, is not in you apart from Christ, as your own property. Instead, it is through continual contact and close union with your Savior that you may become a member of his spiritual body.
It is not right that Christians are compelled to fall into wrongdoing. This statement signifies an insult to Christ, and blasphemy against his cross. We may be opposed to temptation more than before, as Christ himself experienced. We may also fall into several sins, and may sin inattentively. But in principle, Christ has delivered us from the power of sin, and consequently, death is not the wages of our life. Moreover, the law does not mean hell for us, nor does it prompt us to more faults, but the law dwells in our hearts that we may delight in it. Therefore, we are not slaves of sin, but children of the love of God. We do not die as those without hope, but live according to the law of the Spirit of life forever, as Christ lives endlessly. Penetrate deeply into the apostolic words, which are charged with meanings, that you may be established in your rights, be delivered from the law of sin, overcome evil, and live in the ordinance and power of God through his guiding Spirit.

O Lord Jesus Christ, thank you because you carried us from death to life that we might glorify the love of our Father, and walk in the law of the Spirit. Establish us in you that your love may be embodied in us, and that we may glorify you in our conduct that the people around us may smell life and not death.
What were the two laws, which the apostle compared together, and what are their meanings?