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25For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. (Mark8:35, Luke9:24, Romans12:11)

The world seeks the benefits of modern sciences and the welfare of a large community but does not remember Cain, the killer, who built the first city; or the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who sank into prostitution for the sake of luxury and ease. In addition to this corruption, we find that the developed techniques in our modern age pollute the globe’s water, air, and soil. We find ourselves living on a dunghill in a manner of speaking. The world races forward to catastrophe. All individuals have participated in this collapse. They have considered the lawful as unlawful and the unlawful as lawful. Such evil is rooted in our sinful souls. Whoever continues in this way and does not deny himself will end up destroying himself. Human beings are making every effort to build paradise on earth without changing the hearts of men. We have no hope but in denying ourselves and condemning our thoughts in the light of the holiness of the Bible.
By following Christ we find life in Him who builds individuals and peoples for His kingdom. This life is marked by contentment and selflessness, with people learning to be truthful and cooperating together with faithfulness and sincerity. But this spiritual awakening begins only with self-denial and destruction of selfishness.
Do not be deceived, for the pictures we see in magazines and on television are not true life, they are but exaggerated fantasies. You find no true life without love and sacrifice. Die to your dreams in the name of Christ, forget your own life, and submit it to God. He offers you, in Christ, His own life that is full of holy power, energy, and joy that you may become empowered to build His kingdom in our sad and sorrowful world. He that lives with Christ lives an abundant life and finds meaning to his life, but he that behaves without Him lives a shallow life void of joy. He that hangs on to his own rights and struggles stubbornly for his own privileges looses their peace of mind, but he that serves Christ and suffers for His sake lives blessed in peace and joy.
Christ commands us to have proper concern for the poor, sick and disadvantaged of the world. We should seek to lessen their physical sufferings and help them improve their manner of living. However, the most important thing is to offer them the life-giving gospel message so that they may come to know and follow Christ. In that way, their lives will be changed by the power of God. They will become hard working responsible children of God, living from Christ’s grace in the guidance of his Spirit.

Lord Jesus, You are gentle and lowly in heart, You committed Yourself to the guidance of Your heavenly Father. Help us not to long for treasure or money, nor cling to our rights, but teach us to deny ourselves and live obediently, contentedly, and peacefully. Strengthen us to spread Your gospel at any cost that Your life will be multiplied in many believers.
How can we live the true life?